The data of this platform comes from the Internet. Through our collation and collection, we aim to provide convenient information services for users. However, we solemnly declare that this platform cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the data provided. During the process of data collection, organization, and updating, deviations, omissions, or delays may occur due to various reasons
The platform data is for reference only and does not constitute any professional advice, guidance, or commitment. Any decisions, actions, and consequences made by users based on platform data shall be borne by the users themselves, and this platform shall not assume any legal responsibility for them
If users discover errors, missing or need to update platform data, please contact us promptly. We will do our best to verify and handle it, but we cannot guarantee an immediate solution or complete correction
We are not responsible for any direct or indirect losses caused by the use of data on this platform, including but not limited to commercial losses, data loss, business interruption, etc. Please make judgments based on your actual situation and seek professional advice when using data
Thank you for your understanding and support of this platform